Sun, Jul 02
|Cryptatropa Bar
a monthly occult forum hosted by trollcunning forge

Time & Location
Jul 02, 2023, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Cryptatropa Bar, 421 4th Ave E, Olympia, WA 98501, USA
lluminates of Cascadia in real life
occult forum will be meeting again soon! First Sunday
of each month, July 2nd, from 6pm to 9pm
@the_crypt_olympia in Olympia WA.
The subject of this month's forum is Divination. Feel
free to bring your favorite method (divination show
and tell?), or perhaps share how it is done. We will be
meandering the long and many forked subject of the
language of birds
It is an 21+ venue, with amazing cocktails and non
alcoholic libations as well.
Our first occult forum had a huge turn out and we are
looking forward to see you all again. The forum is
moderated by myself (Marcus McCoy) and hosted by Troll Cunning